Treatment of psoriasis folk remedies at home

Despite the fact that psoriasis is known to mankind for centuries, medical science today can not accurately determine the cause of this skin condition. "Rose of the devil", as it was called in the middle ages, may appear in the human body, sometimes quite unexpectedly. Treatment of psoriasis folk remedies at home is justified. It can relieve the symptoms of the disease and prevent its spread through the body in the most natural way.


Genetic predisposition, abnormal metabolism, stress, unhealthy lifestyle, lose toxins and infectious diseases are only a few proven factors that cause the formation on the skin scaly ugly stains bright red. Traditional methods of getting rid of this disease also uses heavy artillery. Basically, they are based on the use of hormones, radiation of skin and the chemical effects of drugs on the cells.

The treatment of psoriasis celandine at home

Modest and humble celandine, which is easy to find in almost any part of the European region of the world, is an effective remedy for various skin diseases. Is a natural antiseptic, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties, this plant produces constantly struggling with the symptoms of psoriasis, preventing the progression of the disease.

Remember that you can start herbalism, you need as early as possible pathology. Also, during the application of the plant should give up alcohol, fatty and sugary food, fruit and red berries. Only by adhering to these terms and conditions, and the absence of allergic reactions to components of the plants, you can expect to achieve the desired result.

Infusion of celandine ingestion

Put it in a thermos teaspoon of dried celandine and pour a glass of boiling water. Tightly screw on the lid, shake and leave to infuse for 40-50 minutes, after which the liquid is filtered. The resulting infusion is divided into 3 equal parts, which should drink before each meal – morning, afternoon and evening. Do not exceed the dosage, because this tool has side effects.

Wine compresses with celandine

Pounds of fresh grass, clean running water and a small towel to dry and mince. The resulting slurry was put on cheesecloth, folded in several layers, and gently press. The juice of the plant mixed with a quarter Cup of natural dry red wine. Saturate the wine solution, pure cotton swabs and apply them to the affected areas. Duration – 15 minutes. After that you can rinse the wine residue from the skin with warm water and repeat the procedure the next day.

Ointment celandine

Tablespoon leaves of fresh celandine common 15 g Flucinarum (this colorless anti-inflammatory gel that you can buy at any drugstore) and add 100 g of solido is. Mix thoroughly. Leave the mixture in a sealed container for 3 days. The finished ointment apply to the affected area for 5 days. When you use this treatment of psoriatic plaques on the head, apply a thick layer directly to the hair. 30 minutes after the beginning of the procedure, rinse the to improve a neutral shampoo.

celandine psoriasis

Bath celandine

A full Cup of chopped herbs (250 g) put in an enamel saucepan, pour 3 liters of boiling water and simmer for 5-7 minutes. Remove from heat, to insulate the food solution, which has a kitchen towel and leave at room temperature for at least 2 hours. Removal of plant components. Add the broth into the tub with water. Take a bath with celandine should be a daily 10 minutes. The procedure is done before bedtime, then the body should be rinsed with clean water, and is only slightly wet soft towel. The course of treatment – 5-7 baths.

Important! Despite the several useful features that nature has endowed celandine, overdose or incorrect use of this herb can bring much harm to the human body. Because of the high toxicity of the plant, a treatment based on it is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, patients with epilepsy, asthmatics and people suffering from heart failure.

Treatment of psoriasis mustard

Treatment of psoriasis mustard, as well as many other recipes of traditional medicine, can not completely get rid of the problem. However, this is a pretty effective way to get the disease "under control" and not allow unsightly stains to completely ruin the appearance.

Here are a few tested recipes, through which you can significantly mitigate the symptoms of the disease and prevent its spread:

Recipe 1. Mix one teaspoon of mustard powder, tincture of eucalyptus and cleared of any vegetable oil. Spread the mixture papule, soak 10 minutes and rinse with warm water. After the procedure, lubricate the skin with a thin layer of emollient cream;

Recipe 2. Half a teaspoon of dry mustard a common teaspoon of unsalted butter. Dilute the mixture with five tables. tablespoons of warm broth Hypericum (prepared as usual – a spoonful of raw materials Cup of water). Roll out a small cotton wool swab, moisten it in the solution and apply to the skin for a few minutes. To avoid strong burning sensation! It is a strong tool, it is permitted, not more than once a week;

Recipe 3. If psoriasis affects the scalp, an effective treatment have a mustard mask that is easy to make yourself. You can do this, take 2 full soup spoons of mustard powder, dilute it with the same amount of hot water, add one fresh chicken egg yolk, 2 tsp. a tablespoon of olive oil and 2 tsp. a spoon of sugar. The resulting mask apply on the scalp, careful not to stretch the material to the hair. Wrap in cellophane and top with a towel. To perform this medical procedure is 2-3 times a week for 15-40 minutes, but if you feel strong discomfort, time can be shortened.

Psoriasis treatment baking soda

There is a theory (it is worth noting – is not scientifically proven), that the development of psoriasis is directly related to the level of acidity in the body. According to this concept, contrary to the permissible norms of rn, the accumulation of toxic substances that can cause various diseases, including skin. In this case baking soda is used as a means of reducing acidity and helps to eliminate the cause of psoriasis.

Supporters of the alternative treatments recommended to use sodium bicarbonate as well as locally and internally. And, although the official medicine has confirmed the efficacy of such methods is numerous trials have demonstrated high efficacy of baking soda in the fight against psoriasis.

soda psoriasis

Soda oral medication

150 g of pea seed (the pharmacy sold under the name "vetch seeding") dry on a dry pan, finely pound in a wooden mortar. Connect the obtained powder, 50 g of baking soda and a glass of liquid honey. Mix thoroughly and take a teaspoon means, on an empty stomach in the morning and before bedtime.

A soda solution according to the formula of Professor Neumyvakina

This recipe was created by the famous writer alternative methods of healing. The author believes that with its help it is possible not only to get rid of many skin diseases such as psoriasis, but also cleansing of toxins, normalize acid-alkaline balance and improve the body Usually.

Methods of use of such a solution is quite simple:

  • dry glass, add 0.5 teaspoon of baking soda;
  • pour powder boiling water half a glass;
  • as soon as the reaction (water with a hiss and a zabini.) – add the remaining amount of cold boiled water;
  • when the temperature of the solution is not higher than 50 °C, it is necessary to drink.

Over dose of sodium increases, gradually leads to one teaspoon at a time. The researcher recommends the use of a solution of soda in the morning, about half an hour before the first meal. The course of treatment – up to 4 weeks.

Garden-egg-cream psoriasis

Natural ointment for psoriasis itself, you will need:

  • a teaspoon of baking soda;
  • 3 fresh chicken egg yolk;
  • 200 g cleaned chicken fat;
  • Table 2. spoon birch tar;
  • Table 2. spoon grated on a fine grater soap;
  • table. spoon of pine oil;
  • Table 2. tablespoon of medicine of bile.

Melt chicken fat in a water bath and combine all ingredients, except the last one. When the mixture has cooled, add the bile and stir it again. It is recommended to smear the ointment on the problem areas every day for a couple of hours before a night's sleep. The finished drug can be stored 2 weeks, you put it in the fridge and tightly closed the lid.

pack soda

A hot compress of soda

0.5 liters of hot water dissolve without residue 3 in the table. spoon of soda powder. Folded in several layers of cheesecloth or a bandage dipped in the solution and immediately, it is hot, attach to the site of localization of the disease. Keep the compress on the skin until the material is completely cooled. This procedure can be repeated several times a day, but it should be done carefully, so as not to damage the skin.

Other ways to deal with psoriasis

In addition to describing the methods, of psoriasis folk remedies at home implies more options to use infusions and decoctions of plants, baths, ointments and poultices on a natural basis.

Recipes intake

Recipe 1. Take 250 g of lard and combine it with 1 l of honey, 0.5 liters of vodka and 300 g of aloe juice. Put the mixture in the oven and simmer at a temperature of 150-160°C for 4 hours. Ready the medicine cool. Take 15 ml three times a day;

Recipe 2. Dried roots of burdock and dandelion crush, mix in equal parts (1 table. a spoon). Pour a glass of pure water and boil in a water bath under a cover of 15-20 minutes. Remove from heat, and when the broth comes to room temperature, strain and drink 100 ml before each meal;

Recipe 3. Do herbal 4 table. spoons of inflorescences chamomile, the same amount of the herb st. john's wort, 3 tables. spoon violet tricolor and 2 of the table. spoon of leaves of bilberry. A tablespoon of vegetable raw materials put in a thermos and pour a glass of boiling water. Insist 1 hour, strain. Add a solution of a tablespoon of extract of Eleutherococcus. Take in the morning, before the first Breakfast.

Remedies for external use

Recipe 1. 3-4 medium cloves of garlic peel and crush with a press (or finely chop on a fine grater). Pour the garlic in the ground a Cup of boiling water, let stand for 2 hours, then use an external agent for rubbing the skin;

Recipe 2. Handle coffee grinder 50 g of sorrel, and the same dry celandine. The resulting powder pour birch tar and apply therapeutic weight in the form of daily compressed before going to bed;

Recipe 3. Melt in a water bath pounds of natural butter, bring it to a boil. When the oil heats up, finely chop with a knife 50 g of propolis. Connect the two components, remove the soup from the heat and constantly stir the mixture until the temperature of the medication. Use warm oil lotion for the manufacture of packs, which need to keep on the skin for at least 10-12 hours;

Recipe 4. Series, sage, celandine and chamomile mixed in equal amounts and allow to steep in boiling water (ratio is 1 part plant material and 10 parts water). Half an hour later a hot herbal solution to add to water for bathing. Take a herbal bath for 15-20 minutes a day, or major damage to the skin, at night.

Important! Before you use any of the suggestions in the article the methods, you should consult your doctor dermatologist. Only by knowing the characteristics of the body and based on the results of the whole research, you can determine which recipes of traditional medicine is to bring the maximum benefit, and which should be abandoned.

food for psoriasis

The right nutrition psoriasis

The main aim of dietary treatment for psoriasis is the saturation of the organism of the patient all the necessary vitamins, minerals and other useful compounds, while limiting the consumption of animal fat and maintaining a normal acidity level.

To achieve this goal, we can help you with the following products:

  • vegetables – raw, steamed, baked in the oven;
  • fatty fish – unlike other fats, fish oil has beneficial effects on the human skin, making it more elastic and healthy;
  • proteins – nuts and nut kernels and raw sunflower seeds, egg protein, low-fat meat;
  • cereals – buckwheat, barley, peas, beans;
  • dairy products;
  • dried fruit – apricots, raisins, dates.

In order not to aggravate the situation and nullify all attempts to stabilize their condition, patients with psoriasis should completely refrain from drinking alcohol, but also to eliminate from your diet:

  • citrus fruit;
  • chocolate;
  • honey (in large quantities);
  • black coffee;
  • organic milk, high fat content;
  • vegetables and fruits – red tomatoes, strawberries, raspberries, red peppers.

Currently, scientists have shown a connection between the appearance of people psoriasis mental health. It follows that to overcome the disease is able to control the emotions, to feel inner harmony and to protect your mind from unnecessary shocks. In order to strengthen the body, not only physically but also mentally, should be a breath of fresh air, regularly carry out the procedure of hardening, do what you love and teach yourself not to react to small annoyances. Only by placing yourself in the right target, you can get rid of the disease, and the recipes of traditional medicine is good to help recovery.